On this blog, I have not been quite as faithful as to my first blog,
One Crazy Kruse. The topics on this blog stick to what we discuss in class/what we are required to write on our blogs. I have technically 3 published posts, with 2 still in the draft section. They will be published by this weekend though. I haven't linked to anything from my blog posts on this blog, other than my fellow classmates' blogs. My template was a preset one, that I can tweak to change it to my liking. I so far have not had any comments on this blog and I haven't commented on anyone else's blog. The traffic mainly comes from other people's blogs who have links to my page. I don't have any widgets, but I'm now going to look into adding some. Here are some screenshots for this blog:

On my first blog, my topics range from what I'm working on with my writing to topics that I feel like talking about. On this blog, I so far have 13 posts on this blog. If you navigate to this blog, you will see my last post was titled "Love & High school"to which one person (my cousin) commented on the blog itself but I had several of my family members and friends comment on the link of the page I shared on my Facebook wall. My brother and my aunt even shared it with their friends :) I moderate the comments because I do not want spam or anything negative (specifically profanity) on my blog. I will take note of the criticism, but I do not have to allow it to be posted. The beauty of being in control of one's blog!!
I did have one negative response to that specific post. This girl, who is actually close to me, asked if it was about her. While I wanted to be a smarty-pants and say "If the shoe fits." I was hesitant to do say that, so I went with a diplomatic answer. I will be visiting with her this weekend to explain that is is relevant to all. While I had specific people in mind during certain parts, I will be telling her what parts she fits into. I don't as of right now have any links, I'm going to start adding my favorite links to it though. I feel that my blog is just a bit "blah" so links and widgets will be coming soon!
The traffic mostly comes from Facebook, and usually only if I repost a link to my blog sharing my latest posts. I have noticed that some must have bookmarked my page so that they can access it every now and then.
Here is the stats for that blog: